Highlighted in Gartner's security emerging trends report. Learn more

Shift-Left CDR

The next generation of cloud security is here

Identifying sequences that lead to your crown jewels

Leveraging ReaLerts: only focus on real activity

From theoretical risks to actual threats in the Runtime

Eliminate Noise with REALerts

We detect REAL threats in the runtime that might lead to you most vital assets. Eliminate noise, alert fatigue and false positives with REALerts.

Anomalous AWS Activity

Since Feb 14,2023

Communication to crypto-mining IP

Since Feb 14,2023

Abnormal Credentials Usage

Since Feb 14,2023

Disk Export

Since Feb 14,2023

Anomalous AWS Activity

Since Feb 14,2023

Communication to crypto-mining IP

Since Feb 14,2023

Abnormal Credentials Usage

Since Feb 14,2023

Disk Export

Since Feb 14,2023

Alert #5

Since Feb 14,2023

Recognized by the Industry

Highlighted in Gartner's Security Emerging Trends Report

CSO: Top Cloud Security Products - BlackHat 2023

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